Friday, February 2, 2018


Happy Fri-yay! How many of you are looking forward to the Super Bowl? Or should I ask how many of you are looking forward to the Super Bowl parties?! We're going to be venturing out to a friend's bar to watch it, so unfortunately I won't have a reason to cook up anything, but it should be a fun night.

I made it out to a few stores this past week. This first find is from Cost Plus World Market. I am so happy to have this store nearby. I grew up in New York, where you can find ANYTHING. When I moved to Colorado it was tough to find many of the biscotti and other treats I enjoyed growing up in a very traditional Italian family. Thankfully World Market carries some of them so I don't get too homesick! When I stopped in there this week I found this fun pasta for Valentine's Day. I am really hoping the pasta hearts don't break while they cook. My girls will love this and will make a fun surprise for them. Oh yea, and the hubby too!
Do your kids love to make slime? Mine love it, and it's been a battle to contain their supplies. I found this great cart at Michaels for $30 and it fits their glues, glitters and containers in one place. The color goes well in their "homework room." Best of all, they can roll it into the kitchen, which is the only place in the house they are allowed to make slime. The cart is great to hold anything from craft supplies to spices! It seems like Ikea sells a similar cart because I came across this blog post offering 30 different ways to use such a cart!
Did you find any great products this week?!

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