Monday, November 30, 2015


I hope you each had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I got lucky and didn't have to cook this year since we went to a friend's house. Remember the cornucopia bread I said I was going to try? Well, I actually made it and it came out great. Except I had to leave some of the tin foil in it. But it was a big hit and one of my most highly engaged Facebook posts! Go figure.

Looking toward the next holiday, here is a cozy table by Iowa's Impressions Photography. I have to say my favorite element is the collage of black and white photos on the wall. It's a great idea for New Year's to reflect on the year's memories, or even a birthday party. Plaid is so big this year. It's a nice accent to use. The glow from the candlelight makes this table cozy without making it too fancy. Thanks to Impressions Photography for sharing it with us.