Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Doily Accents

I think doilies are one of the best items to incorporate into a winter tablescape. One: They kind of look like snowflakes. Two: They're cheap to buy! So I was happy to come across this post from pen n' paper flowers giving a tutorial on tea-stained doilies and the different ways she used them. My favorite from her post is wrapping them around shot glasses:

And using them to make these sweet, dainty flowers.

Find the original post at pen n' paper flowers here

Other ways to use doilies on your table:
- Stagger them across the center of your table as a runner
- A "snow" garland
- Mod Podge them onto coasters or larger tiles to use as trivets
- Remember this little idea here I used for a Mother's Day brunch?

What other ways have you used doilies? Would love to hear!

1 comment:

  1. Fun ideas for a Tea Party! Have you seen doilies used on a black table at Halloween? Glue them together like a table runner! I love sharing ideas with you on Twitter! https://twitter.com/#!/CutePartyIdeas
