Tuesday, November 15, 2011

DIY Beaded Pie Server

Once I deflate from all the food I eat Thanksgiving day, I usually dedicate a good portion of the long weekend to making my neighbor gifts and Christmas advent calendar. I don't like hitting the crowded stores, so it's a perfect time for it.

So, for the next week or so I'm going to share some ideas you can craft for neighbors, friends and family during your long weekend–starting with the one I'm making–this beaded pie server. I've seen DIY beaded silverware but since I am making something not only for neighbors, but for some of my husband's clients, the idea of doing two per person (a fork and spoon) sounded a bit daunting to me! SO... I came up with the thought of doing the one pie server along with a pie per person. It turns out, the beading did not take nearly as long as I thought it would! And if you do need to make something for a number of people, this is perfect because I found decent pie servers at The Dollar Tree! Then, I used my 40% off coupon to buy bead sets at Hobby Lobby. Each bead set was a few dollars and you can probably make at least three from one set.

I tried my darnest to take how-to photos, but because of the pie server's mirrored reflection and the fact I only have a pocket digital camera, the photos came out awful. Luckily I can direct you to this tutorial here. When you go there, you'll notice she took the extra step of hand stamping the silverware. You'll have to scroll down to get to the beading portion of the direction. But, I do love the project. I'm hoping to find a felt pouch I can put them in.

Now, do I bake the pies or buy them?! Ha

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  1. I've always wanted to make one of these! Thanks for sharing the tutorial

  2. this is great! I saw something like this in an expensive boutique years ago. I actually made a couple for gifts that year... its been awhile though I should revisit this project.

  3. Looks beautiful! Thanks for the DIY! Definitely going to have to try it!

  4. I love how blingy this is - it turned out great! Thank you for linking up at ECE!

  5. hmmm this might be a good gift for my motherinlaw I absolutely adore what you ended up doing! I've been trying to figure out something similar too I'd love it if you would add this to my link party at http://raegunwear.blogspot.com/2011/11/what-i-wore-wednesdays-1.html

  6. So pretty! What a fun little way to dress up serving ware! Love the great accents you added! I am so happy you shared this @ Show & Share, thank you SO much!

  7. Such a cute idea! It's an awesome way to dress up an everyday item. Well, that is if you eat pie every day - and you should! lol. Thanks so much for linking it up to the party! I hope to see you again.

    literally inspired

  8. Where are the directions?I(big dumb)cannot find them.

  9. @Anonymous: The post directs you to the following link for directions:
    http://www.iheartnaptime.net/2010/11/crazy-christmas-crafter-infarrantly/ Unfortunately, you did not include an email for me to email you directlyso hope ur checking back! Best, RM

  10. Hi Rosemarie, what a delightful idea. Thank you so much for sharing the tutorial. Yours turned out very nicely. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris
