Monday, October 17, 2011

Merry Monday: Book Club Party

Before Oprah started choosing book club picks, women have been enjoying the cammaraderie of book clubs for years. If you belong to a book club, you know what I mean, and you'll really appreciate this party. My favorite touch is the food names!

Designed by Party Artist, this party is featured on the Hostess with the Mostess community site. I encourage you to browse around the site and add your own parties. You can find this full party on the HWTM site here.


  1. This is fantastic. Thank you for posting. I am going to be hosting a book club tea at the library, so I think some of these ideas would work great.

  2. Oh my gosh, these are all hilarious! I love it! I really need to get into a book club. I always mean to read more, but then I get caught up in other things.

  3. Oh my goodness! You are so FUN!!! What beautiful photos and great ideas! I've been blog hopping today and I'm sooooooooooo glad I stopped by yours! I'm joining and will be back over and over again!!! Your blog is going on mine as a must read! :)
