Friday, June 24, 2011

Crostini Bar

I can't get enough of all the self-serve, interactive food table ideas that everyone has been doing. This is one of my favorites that I recently came across on Eat, Drink, Pretty. This Crostini Bar idea is perfect for so many occasions. It's simple enough that if you're having friends over for just wine, you can easily buy everything pre-made (even the crostini bread) and put it out. It makes a great presentation, and guests will enjoy choosing their favorite toppings. This also makes a great appetizer bar for any party. I always stress about food keeping warm, but this gives you one less (major) thing to worry about.

For topping ideas, visit the original post at Eat, Drink, Pretty here.

1 comment:

  1. what a great idea for a cocktail party or cocktail hour.
