Friday, April 1, 2011

Nest in a Minute

We're spending Easter at my parents this year, who live in New York. So, I'm thinking of ways to add small decorative touches to jazz up the table a bit for the holiday. My challenge is thinking of ways to do it using items my mom already has around the house.

I'm starting with small, colorful nests, that could be lined up down the center of the table or at each place setting. I've seen faux nests made from scrunched up craft moss, but I want a small nest with some structure so I can actually use it, and safely move it around. Remember this DIY Spring Wreath I posted? The Fun Fur is perfect to use for a bird's nest. So, I ended up with the above nest, using only three items: double-sided tape, a mini glass bowl (I know my mom has a few of these!) and the Fun Fur, that I purchased on sale of Jo-Ann's for $2.49.

All I did was wrap the inside and outside of the small glass bowl with double-sided tape, and then wrapped the Fun Fur on top of it. Voila! Instant bird nest! I didn't realize how thin/stringy Fun Fur is, so it took more Fur than expected. But I'm happy with the results, and the bowl provides a sturdy base, making the nest actually functional.

Hope you can find a place for this quick, easy Easter nest on your table!