Monday, March 28, 2011

Merry Monday: Yellow Bridal Shower

With the warm weather setting in, I'm feeling great anticipation to start entertaining outdoors. It'll be nice to take the parties outside soon, and I'm guessing you're feeling the same way, too! Here is a perfect summer yellow themed party I found on Elizabeth Anne Designs that would work really well for Mother's Day, bridal shower or a general outdoor garden party.

This pretty, rustic bridal shower was hosted by Carolyn Brandhorst of The Papery of Philadelphia. The event was styled by Evantine Designs and photographed by Laura Novak. One of the big reasons I chose to feature this party is because of all the pretty accommodations they made for their outdoor guests: the beautiful parasols (that also add to the decor), spray bottles and handkerchiefs with iced lemon water. It's so important to consider these things when you have an outdoor party. If your guests don't feel comfortable, they're not going to have a good time. I hope these beautiful photos help you get ready to party outside! Visit here to see the full post at Elizabeth Ann Designs.


  1. Very cute blog! I'm your newest follower : )

  2. Thanks Anne! and thanks for joining!
    RM, Home Confetti
