Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Coo-Coo For Hot Co-coa!

Now that the cold weather has set in, one of my favorite things to do is to just curl up on the couch with the girls with a big soup mug of hot chocolate. If you saw the "Hot Chocolate Lab" I did for Halloween (here) you know we love to have fun with our hot chocolate! I try to make each cup a little different each time. Here are some fun ideas you can use for a holiday brunch, to serve to a special guest, or even give as a gift. Everyone loves a good cup of hot cocoa!

Left: Everything's more fun when it's on a stick! Create a block of chocolate and even homemade marshmallows and stir it into a nice cup of hot milk! Makes such a cute treat and presentation. Get the recipes here. Right: How many variations can you come up with for these chocolate-dipped spoons??! The coconut one is looking pretty yummy to me! To find out how to make these, click here.

Left: What a fun treat for Christmas morning! Stir your hot chocolate with a candy cane, giving your chocolate a refreshing peppermint taste. Click here to make these easy dipped candy canes. Right: Everything a person needs for a good cup of hot chocolate in one cone-shaped bag! Pair it with one of the chocolate dipped spoons--and it makes a great neighbor gift! Click here for more info.

Left: If you have houseguests over the holidays, it would be worth putting together a hot chocolate "bar" like this to let guests pick their own flavors and toppings. Photo source here. Right: And for that someone special, give him/her a little surprise in their cup with a stenciled message. Get the how-to here.


  1. I'm loving these creative takes on a total classic-especially that marshmallow/chocolate spear. YUM!

  2. what fun ideas.
    I've done spoons dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with crushed candy canes. I never thought to just dip the candy cane in chocolate?!?! DUH! :)
