Monday, December 13, 2010

Merry Monday: New Year's Eve Table

Happy Monday! For today, I just want to jump over Christmas and look forward to New Year's Eve with a great party table! Although this was originally designed for a birthday party--it really has an ideal look for New Year's Eve. The shimmery garland backdrop and use of black ribbon really screams "Happy New Year!"

Since your New Year's Eve will probably start on the later side, you may not have a food table, so you can justify going a bit "all out" with a beautiful dessert table like this one. (A dip, cheese platter, or other appetizer is definitely recommended to offset all the sweet!) Designed by Le Cupcakerie, the table was also used to display the favors, which are so pretty. Take a close look. There are so many great details! How cute are the bow ties on the champagne glasses? See more of all the DIY goodness at her blog here!