Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Playing With Ice

Here in suburban Colorado, we've already seen a little bit of snow. It didn't last long enough to really enjoy though. But, it reminded me of how much I love to wake up to that first-fallen snow, when everything is beautifully covered.

Doilies are very reminiscent of snowflakes–as this project so beautifully portrays. How gorgeous is that?! I don't remember how I stumbled upon this, but so glad I did. You can find the how-to here. If you wait until it gets colder to do this, it will hopefully last a couple of days or so, and you can create a wonderful winter scene on your front porch, too.

This has inspired me to do a post on wintery projects using doilies and lace, so stay tuned!


  1. Such a unique idea! I wish it stayed cold enough here to do that during December!

  2. This is the most Darling decoration I've seen. We don't have a cold winter here but i so wish we would. I think this is just BRILLIANT! XxX
